I build Digital products and solve real world problems. Skilled up and ready to go, I bring a cross-displinary tool set to each challenge.

Good since
3 years ago

March 12th, 2021

Case Study: Berklee Notification Center

Berklee College of Music gets smart about students and faculty talking to each other. Designing a better way to hear what's happening today on campus.

Good since
3 years ago

March 14th, 2021

Case Study: Berklee Brand Management

Building up and working with a world class music brand from the foundation up.

Good since
3 years ago

Case Study: Foundation Medicine UX and UI Work

Cutting Edge science meets modern UI. Contract work with Foundation Medicine was focusing on designing around existing EHR and Healthcare research and reporting web applications.

Good since
3 years ago

March 16th, 2021

Case Study: Hasbro Work and Learning

Jumping into a fun adventure as an intern at Hasbro, inc. Working with cool brands like Star Wars and Transformers.

Good since
3 years ago

March 16th, 2021

Case Study: Human Centered Design: Bridging the IT Divide

A Case Study in Human Centered Design caption: Focusing on real people to try to solve challenging problems we face in our own communities

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