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Design & Craft

I build Digital products and solve real world problems. Skilled up and ready to go, I bring a cross-displinary tool set to each challenge.

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Focused on web applications, building with web fundamentals, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I can bootstrap your apps UI, using the latest techniques, without throwing out the best practices the make great web experiences.

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Problem Solving

I can partner with your existing team, and help refactor your UI. Or I can help you start from scratch, defining the very bones of your product, what each should do, and how user will use it.

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Spot Design, Workshops, User Research, market fit, customer research, Jobs to be done, and product definition—including strategy, and heuristics, I can do it all, but the focus is solving the problem, making the product, and getting feedback faster.


Experienced researcher trained to understand why your apps users can’t use it. Harder than it looks, but boy does it help. I can run quick and dirty user surveys, or carefully designed studies, and categorize actionable research insights for your team or your leadership.

Latest Ideas, Notes, and Articles