Making Next-Gen Research Tools

Cutting Edge science meets modern UI. Contract work with Foundation Medicine was focusing on designing around existing EHR and Healthcare research and reporting web applications.

Project Details
Foundation Insights Analysis Management

TLDR: My contract work with Foundation Medicine was focusing on designing for existing EHR and healthcare research web apps. I built prototypes of new experiences, helped create new features from user research, and refined existing UI for production web apps.


Foundation Medicine UX and UI Work

Designing for Healthcare

Foundation Medicine is the premier cancer genomics testing and research company. This company specializes in advanced DNA/RNA cancer screening and testing, helping physicians, oncologists, and hospital support staff across the world better treat their patients. Cancer research tools are evolving, and Foundation Medicine was uniquely positioned to deliver the next generation in genomic information tools. 

FMI’s Foundation One test is linked to an online portal, containing test results and targeted research, relevant to each patient's unique cancer case. This unique company merges medicine, science, and technology to help increase awareness, accuracy, and guide patients towards cutting-edge cancer treatments.

My role during this contract was to embed within the User Experience team and contribute to existing and new digital products — refining, designing, and crafting better experiences for FMI’s customers in pharmaceuticals and patient-related services. 


Foundation Medicine Interactive Cancer Explorer

FoundationICE is Foundation Medicines premier web product focusing on delivering complete cancer genomics data to its customers & patients. I worked on additional features and a targeted redesign/refresh of the overall user experience and user interface. Extensive user research drove our efforts to understood how existing users interacted with the product. 

While working there, we measured success by keeping tabs on how medical research teams usage improved in accuracy, ease-of-use, and reduction of time to complete tasks. We validated that we reduced the time to accomplish tasks by looking at our analytics and conducting user interviews.

Before ↓


After ↓


Traditional Design Problems

Foundation Insights Analysis Management

Design studies for Foundation Medicine Insights

Foundation Insights is a web app powered by pathologist lab-certified cancer research databases that connect real patient data with researchers across the world. The research tool allows customers to view, download, and visualize data to better compare data between cohorts of patients securely from their organization datasets. Patient data is protected, de-identified, and normalized across 100,000+ FMI’s verified patient cancer reports. 

The unique design of the app allowed for powerful filtering and cohort creation while maintaining complete control over the complex data. Visualization updated in real-time and was rendered in the browser using responsive mobile-friendly methods.


My task was to validate the existing digital prototypes experience and make recommendations on possible improvements. I was working directly with developers, designers, and oncologist researchers in an agile development workflow, allowing for my design recommendations to be implemented rapidly for validation. I audited navigation patterns, filtering methods, and other user affordances, while the team continued to build out the MVP and future releases.


Prototyping a Styleguide with React components and live code previews.

At FMI, building healthcare-related apps required agile practices, modern tooling, and system-based thinking to maintain reliable, consistent, and validated user experiences across the company’s many products. While working with the experienced design team, I was tasked with taking the UX teams research and thinking, and producing a logical system that both respected existing UX patterns and progressive development practices. The result was a series of prototype Atomic Style Guides, built with a design component-based organization and a developer-centric modular system using our developer’s real production CSS/SCSS styles and React.js component systems.


Building a system and talking to the developers.

As a UX/UI specialist thru-out my tenure at FMI, I was continually working alongside developers on producing design and development systems that complement each other. The approach I followed allowed me to understand how FMI built their apps and designed them better.

Process in Review


Discovery and Unifying a Product Experience

Foundation Medicine's design team was exploring methods of building a unified product system. I was part of the core team that helped kick off this project.


Research of Diverse Systems

Foundation Medicine's many internal and external products had begun to diverge in branding and user interface design. Gathering these many different component systems and auditing them was crucial to understanding the UX health of FMI's product suites.


Sketch and Organize

After a successful audit, I created a system of organization and categorization for the many existing and planned product UI components. The system decided on was the Atomic Design classification system. Simple components were called Atoms, groups of atoms called molecules, and systems and layouts of molecules and atoms group as organisms.


Designing and Developing

As the primary UX designer, I created a living breathing prototype of the style guide system. Built with the same tech stack as FMI's production applications, I began creating a modular component-based website that could house FMI's growing system.

Key Lessons and Results

Key recommendations given to Foundation Medicine

Make it useful, usable, and delightful

Think with components and share it.

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