I build Digital products and solve real world problems. Skilled up and ready to go, I bring a cross-displinary tool set to each challenge.

Good since

Tools for work

The products I work on vary greatly in scope and intent, but I focus on the common components that make things work. The forms, layouts, buttons, animations, scale, and controls I design and ...

Good since

Create clarity and presence

I design products that leverage good typography to make it easier to read and work within. Typography that invites a reader into text, reveal its meaning, clarifies its structure and connects it ...

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I'm a ux designer for GE. Simply stated. I’m a UX Designer with strong visual design skills and a deep research skillset. That means I can back up what I design.

Good since
3 years ago

March 12th, 2021

Case Study: Berklee Notification Center

Berklee College of Music gets smart about students and faculty talking to each other. Designing a better way to hear what's happening today on campus.

Good since
3 years ago

March 14th, 2021

Case Study: Berklee Brand Management

Building up and working with a world class music brand from the foundation up.

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