I can partner with your existing team, and help refactor your UI. Or I can help you start from scratch, defining the very bones of your product, what each should do, and how user will use it.

Good since

Tools for work

The products I work on vary greatly in scope and intent, but I focus on the common components that make things work. The forms, layouts, buttons, animations, scale, and controls I design and ...

Good since

Use metaphor

Using reframing tools helps produce clear, well written statements of what a design is attempting to solve. Framing things with epic, KPI’s, jobs to be done, outcome statements, user stories, or 5 ...

Good since

Use your words

Being transparent when designing is important. A useful tool for being transparent is to create actionable problem statements, that if shared, are used to summarize who a particular user is, that ...

Good since

Create clarity and presence

I design products that leverage good typography to make it easier to read and work within. Typography that invites a reader into text, reveal its meaning, clarifies its structure and connects it ...

Good since


I'm a ux designer for GE. Simply stated. I’m a UX Designer with strong visual design skills and a deep research skillset. That means I can back up what I design.

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